Monday, 29 November 2010

Day 7

Today, I was feeling tropical, so I searched up people from a warm tropical place: Hawaii

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Day 3-6

I skipped a few days so I'll be putting these up in one post
I took some pictures while on holiday for reference to use for daily practice. Here's they are.

Today's practice

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Day 2

Today on channel 13(...or was it 21?) was mystery day which made me think about this the TV series, Sherlock. It's basically Sherlock Holmes, but in modern day times (Sherlock and Watson use blackberries and things like that). So today's line drawing is of, Benedict Cumberbatch:  the actor of Shelock Holmes!

Monday, 22 November 2010

Day 1

I had a couple ideas for daily practice, and I finally decided on doing a line drawing once a day. I want to practice drawing different people of different ages and nationalities to get more experience at drawing people. I feel that matisse-style line drawings is a good, and fast, start on how to do this, so here is the first one:
Reference picture (a guy I found by typing in "random person" on googleimages)